At some time or another we are faced with this great question. Most people choose to ignore it until a loved one dies or a very personal near death experience occurs. Some pass away suddenly without finding an answer. In reality our lives are truly like vapors that appear for a short time and are gone. After we die either nothing happens or there is an afterlife. If nothing happens we have nothing to worry about, however if an afterlife exists, then we will make an eternal error by not preparing. Do you really want to make a high stakes gamble like that? Each day thousands of people die. Now is your chance to find the truth.
What awaits you?
How do you think you will spend eternity? In eternal glory or under great condemnation?
The choice is yours to make.
We are not guaranteed to live another day.
Are you ready to face eternity?
Please watch this entire video. It could be your last chance.
Okay, I think I am ready for the next step.
Now what?
What about testimonies?
Click on the image to see a testimony.
You are not alone. We will be praying for you. If you are now a new believer please go here. If you are seeking a good church please go here.
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Feel free to ask a question, make a comment, or tell us if you trusted Christ because of this website by clicking on the box below.
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